Jesus Christ: Earthly King or Heavenly King?

Jesus Christ is Eternal and was seated upon the Throne of God before He became a man and descended to earth to offer His Earthly Kingdom to Israel. Both the King Jesus and the Kingdom on Earth were rejected. That’s why Jesus Christ went to Calvary to be exalted to His Throne in Heaven.

Today, Jesus is again seated on His heavenly Throne ruling and govening His Church (members of His body) from Heaven. The way Christ governs His Church is through the Holy Spirit that regenerates and sanctifies the heart of those who believe and trust Christ for personal forgiveness from sin.

Jesus was, and is God. God said in Genesis, “Let us create man in our own image”. Jesus was with God and was God, and still is God now as He is seated on His Throne in Heaven. Jesus is enthroned today, like He was before He became a man who suffered and died a cruel death on the cross at Calvary. Jesus will come again to rule and reign over Earth as an Earthly King in Jerusalem.

Is Jesus an Earthly King today? No. Will He be an Earthly King in the future? Yes. Why am I writing this material? Because it helps people to understand the four Gospels that taught how Jesus Christ offered His Earthly Kingdom to Israel, but was rejected and thus postponed until the day of His return.

By seeing the difference between (2) Kingdoms you will see there’s a distinct difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven as taught in the Bible. Most people don’t see this vast distinction but when its recognized it will bring out more clairification about the difference between the Earthly reign and the Heavenly reign of Christ on His Throne. Here’s an overview of the two Kingdoms taught in the Bible.

The Kingdom of God is God’s present rule over each individual believer. It is a divine nature restored in the heart of man through faith in Christ.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a rule of Christ where Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah are fulfilled in an earthly and visible Kingdom. Believers in Christ at that time are given dominion over the earth like Adam had before the fall.

***Note the fact that in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven all believers in Christ must first have the Kingdom of God in their hearts through the new birth!

Rick Roehm

About rickroehm

Since 1988 I’ve been writing and doing service for the Lord. It all began in 1987 after a personal walk began with the Lord. This personal walk with the Lord I speak of turned into extensive Bible studies and later evolved into blogging in early 2000. At present I write, author, and publish several different sites on the Internet. My Blogs contain a vast library of Theological writings, teaching videos, and preaching audios that currently go around the globe for the cause of Christ. I write at Christian Blessings on Wordpress, Holy Hubert Lindsey Group on Facebook, Churches on Trial at Google, publish You Tube videos, record sermons at, etc. I also pastor a Church called the Upper Room in Williamsburg, Ohio . My secular Blog called Southwestern Ohio Fishing on Wordpress is where I write about experiences with my son and fishing partner Chad where we together enjoy Mother Nature’s beauty mixed with Father God’s creation. At Southwestern Ohio Fishing Blog I also publish favorite recipes for those who enjoy eating and cooking as much as this writer does. Thanks for sharing your time and life with this writer at the Blogs. Here's more access to my ministry and fishing Blog if you'd care to check them out further. Bible Truth Christian Blessings Holy Hubert Group Facebook Churches on Trial Hubert Lindsey YouTube videos The Upper Room Southwestern Ohio Fishing Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it! God Bless!
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3 Responses to Jesus Christ: Earthly King or Heavenly King?

  1. Pingback: The KING…….is still in the building | April's Faith Thoughts

  2. ptl2010 says:

    Thank you Rick for sharing this fundamental truth.
    May the Lord bless you and prosper you in your work for Him.

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